Be honest. Do you explicitly know the skills needed to stay in a fight and not give up? Do you know when to fight and what to fight for? Whether you are 18 or 81, the principles unpacked in this book will equip you to make decisions that will intentionally impact the trajectory of your future. This book will show you how to take your life off autopilot and live fully engaged.
If you have been believing for something or working towards something that is meaningful to you but the journey is beginning to wear you down, find out how to engage. Perhaps you have been trying to get pregnant but too many years have gone by so you have decided to get a dog instead. Are you the one trying to obtain a degree but you stopped because money is an issue? Are you working where you want to work but a colleague or supervisor is making you miserable to the point of quitting? Maybe you are the one that is ready to walk away from your marriage. Many people have given up on their purpose and their dreams believing that where they are now is probably as good as it will get. If this is what you believe then you have checked out on your life.
To be “engaged” is an umbrella principle that means to be wiling to enter into war for the promise that is offered on the other side. Take some time to read about the nine principles of engagement that will aid you in making purpose-filled decisions. Learn how to live an engaged life that will leave you aware, driven and satisfied.
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